One of the most threatened habitats in Wales

Montane heath exists on the highest summits of the Carneddau and supports a surprising diversity of plants, composed of dwarf-shrubs, lichens and mosses. This habitat that can easily be overlooked is best observed with a magnifying glass as these plants only grow a few centimeters due to the extreme environment. These hardy plants thrive in areas of severe exposure, thin soils, and low temperatures which prevent other, less resilient plants from surviving.
The world's smallest tree
Montane heath is home to the world’s smallest tree, the dwarf willow, growing approximately 2cm in height.
Priority habitat
There is more montane heath present on the high ridges and summits of the Carneddau mountains than any other location in Wales.
Under pressure
This rare habitat faces major challenges, not only from climate change but also erosion, grazing pressure, nutrient enrichment, environmental pollution, and physical trampling by humans and livestock.
What are we doing?

Raising awareness of the pressures facing this little-known habitat by running guided walks and creating resources to share knowledge and educate people on the importance of protecting this rapidly declining habitat.

Working closely with land managers to carry out small-scale fencing and temporary cages for scientific monitoring. This has already been carried out in the Northern Carneddau and further monitoring will help discover if the habitat continues to decline or is starting to show signs of recovery.

Montane Heath habitat at Carnedd Dafydd
Why is this important?

Montane heath on the Carneddau has been studied for many years and the evidence shows that the habitat is declining and is at risk of disappearing altogether.

This is a priority habitat which supports a very rare community of upland plants and protected birds such as Skylarks.

Action is needed to prevent the continued decline of montane heath and hopefully begin to observe signs of its recovery in the next few years, and not its disappearance!

How can you get involved?

Check out our Events page for guided walks.

Check out our Training page for training opportunities.

Check out our Events page for guided walks.

Check out our Training page for training opportunities.