Sharing stories of life on the landscape

Carneddau Voices is a research and oral history project that records, interprets and shares stories about the Carneddau's communities and their connection to the landscape. The project aims to capture stories and memories about the Carneddau landscape, with voices from all ages identifying what makes the area special to them. The Carneddau landscape is special to different people for different reasons. This project ensures that our diverse communities and individual perspectives are represented.
Recording change
Life in the Carneddau has changed dramatically since the 1800s, and continues to develop. We want to capture people’s experiences of that change by recording their living memories and stories.
Upskilling Communities
We want to develop the skills of individuals and community groups to continue the legacy of recording oral histories, so that the historical record in communities constantly grows and evolves.
Saving Stories
Knowledge and stories are invaluable and can be easily lost if they are forgotten or not shared. Help us immortalise these stories so they will never be lost.
Wyn Griffiths being interviewed for oral history recording
What are we doing?
  • Recording interviewees from different areas of the Carneddau who are interested in sharing their knowledge and stories of living and working in the landscape.
  • Providing free accredited training workshops for groups and individual volunteers, to learn skills that will support the gathering, digitising, archiving and sharing of information.
  • Adding the recordings to the People’s Collection Wales archive, to preserve them for the future.
People's Collection Wales
Why is this important?

How many times have you said that you wished you’d recorded someone telling stories about the past? How many times have you reminisced with friends and agreed that your memories should be written down?

The Carneddau Voices project is using our oral history tradition to capture the living memories and experiences of Carneddau people, mitigating the risk of those important histories being lost and disappearing from the collective community narrative.

The recordings will be saved and stored as part of the People’s Collection Wales. The shared memories will be part of a permanent collection of stories about the Carneddau landscape that will be an important heritage and learning resource for future generations.

Carneddau Farming Oral Histories (Welsh Medium)

Wildlife, working horses and field names at Bryn Eithin Farm – O. Williams
Shearing, community and sheep notching at Bryn Eithin Farm – O. Williams
Cynefin, sheep dipping and sheepfolds at Bryn Eithin Farm – O. Williams
Hefting at Hafod Y Gelyn Farm – W. Griffith
How can you get involved?

Come along to one of our community storyshops to share your stories, photos and experiences of living in, working in and engaging with the landscape.

Join our accredited training workshops to learn how to become an oral history interviewer, and volunteer with us to record local people’s memories. Contact us if you are interested in accredited training workshops.

Check out our events page for upcoming oral history storyshops and training opportunities in your area, or contact us to book a workshop.

Come along to one of our community storyshops to share your stories, photos and experiences of living in, working in and engaging with the landscape.

Check out our events page for upcoming oral history storyshops and training opportunities in your area, or contact us to book a workshop.

Join our accredited training workshops to learn how to become an oral history interviewer, and volunteer with us to record local people’s memories. Contact us if you are interested in accredited training workshops.